Web banner designs progress – 7 done

Here’s the latest web banner designs.  Seven have been drafted, three more to go.  I decided on more negative space and less graduates for the fat skyscraper and square web banners (see previous blog for additional discussion).


Here’s the left grouping of web banners closer up:


Stay tuned for final three web banners, hopefully later this weekend.


Here’s close-ups of the latest three web banners – the 120 x 600 and 160 x 600 skyscrapers, and the 180 x 150 rectangle:


120 x 600 skyscraper:


160 x 600 skyscraper:


180 x 150 Rectangle:



Web banner 2 page composite under development

Here is everything that is done to date – the four banners that are required – with two versions of the fat skyscraper and square I am pondering (one of each with grads lower and more negative space).  You can get a good sense of the relative size of each banner presented in the previous blog.


The banners will shift around on these two composite pages as the additional six are developed and added.

See the next blog for close-ups of each banner, and stay tuned for more banners…

Web Banners – second round thumbnails (‘look’ selected and design in progress)

Here’s a draft of the four required web banners – full banner, leaderboard, fat skyscraper, and square.

I am pondering showing less of the graduates and more negative space in the full skyscrapper and square banners – filling only one-third of the banner with them, so there are two versions of each of them.

Apparently it isn’t possible to see the relative size of each banner in this blog if they are separately loaded, so I have presented the very drafty two page composite in the next blog so you can see it.

Full Banner 468 x 60:


Two versions of the Square 336 x 280 banner, the second with the grads lower and more negative space:



Two versions of the fat skyscraper 240 x 400, the second with the grads lower and more negative space:



Leaderboard 728 x 90 (identical design to full banner in larger scale):


Visually compelling design elements – web banner

1. Closeup photo of a diverse group of graduates with mortarboard or series of photos like this:

2. Dynamic selling line (my version of ‘A passion for helping Colleges, Universities, and Schools Thrive’ that is student success and college centered)

3. Company name that has my initials or last name in it (RL Associates? Losinger Associates? followed by selling line)

4. Edgy look – clean crisp contemporary

5. Less is more – keep it simple

6. Contemporary sans font

7. Font colors that pick up colors from photo or complement them

8. Links to key parts of website

9. Use of a primary eye-catching color, perhaps by applying a color filter over a primary photo like this :


10. Graduate photo closeup on one side… morphing to info on the other like this:



11. Or alternatively, a cool faded background photo with a single color filter, with photos and text on top like this:


12. Use of words in a limited area that touch on what the firm does, like this:


Or alternatively, use of a geometric form like this:
