AARP magazine cover cyclist photo montage takes shape

The AARP magazine cover cyclist montage is coming together!!

Look at the difference between the (new) crisp cyclist photos on the left and the fuzzy group on the right, who were too far away to be used for this purpose.

Now we have some cool magazine cover possibilities!

Many thanks to Professor Groat for teaching new PS skills the past few weeks that have given me what was needed to get this far.

Details on the new photo montage…

The cyclists on the left are in 3 separate layers, each taken in separate locations in the past week while I was on STBC bike rides.

I am still working on the cyclist in the orange windbreaker at the right in the left magazine cover – I am making final cuts on the background and other modifications.  That cyclist is watercolor artist and friend Carolyn Gilligan.  She is currently gracing the bike club FaceBook page too.

I may replace the tandem couples ‘determined’ look… or not.  I am thinking about it.

Suggestions appreciated, and more to come tomorrow!









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